Transforming School
Scheduling Effortlessly

Create, Optimize, and Share Academic Timetables Automatically

Get Started
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How ClassChrono Works

ClassChrono is an automatic scheduling system that generates academic timetables tailored to all your preferences.

Input Data

Input your courses, faculty availability, classrooms
details, and student groups to get started.

Automatic Generation

Watch as ClassChrono's smart algorithms turn your
inputs into the perfect, conflict-free shcedule.

Customize and Share

Fine-tune your optimized schedule with ease,
and export it in all standard formats.


Main Features

Automatic Timetables

ClassChrono automatically generates optimized schedules with the data you input, with respect to professors, students and classrooms availability, without overlapping, while balancing a healthy work-life and school-life balance.

Customize with Drag and Drop

Easily manipulate schedules with drag and drop features to make changes to schedules, without causing conflicts with other scheduled classes.

Conflicts Detection and Resolution

ClassChrono evaluates the feasibility of scheduling within the specified parameters, detects conflicts, and automatically suggests solutions to resolves overlapping and under/over utilization of resources.

Pre-built Timetable Templates and Sharing

Publish your generated schedules using a variety of pre-designed templates, and export as images, tables, or calendar applications format.

See all Features